Comment by mulletbum

Comment by mulletbum 2 days ago

2 replies

As a person who runs manufacturing in the US, this is our work culture too. Also the same at the other 3 previous places I have been at. The company culture asks for something, if it is not provided, you find someone who wants to be a part of that type of culture. There is an expectation to pay for it though.

calf 2 days ago

Having to wake at 2 am on call is just bad for cardiovascular health, it's really just paying for one's life at retirement age and there's no real salary that can level that. Young people have an invisibility bias in psychology, they underestimate the physical toll of late nights and workplace stressors, which is cumulative over time.

calf 2 days ago

Having to wake at 2 am on call is just bad for cardiovascular health, it's really just paying for one's life at retirement age and there's no real salary that can level that.