Comment by fmajid

Comment by fmajid 2 days ago

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I already redirect DNS queries to my own DNS servers running unbound, and block UDP and TCP ports 25 from machines other than these from going out on the Internet.

This will force machines misconfigured with as default resolver (cough, systemd) from leaking my browsing history to Google, thank you very much, but won't stop DNS-over-HTTPS like Firefox, or more insidious devices like fallback IPs hardcoded in SmartTVs and other IoT devices (they are on their own VLAN with all traffic logged, but it's not as if I have time to inspect their traffic for suspicious behavior. There are blocklists of DoH, but at that point it becomes a whack-a-mole game, and it makes more sense to block anything that is not the result of a legitimate DNS query instead.

This would only be enforced on untrusted machines like Macs, iPhones, Android devices, IoT devices and Ubuntu machines, as opposed to trustworthy OpenBSD and Alpine Linux servers.