jhallenworld 2 days ago

LGBTQ+ and even women's rights are a recent phenomenon in the west, and still unfolding (and could revert). If you want the less enlightened society to embrace these rights, how do you propose to do it? Take their land? Killing their kids? Open air prison? I don't think these strategies are going to do it..

  • snakeyjake a day ago

    Unless Patrick Stewart is involved I’m straighter than a laser beam.

    I’m talking about apostasy and being outspoken on civil rights.

    But good point about how they drag homosexuals from behind scooters until they are dead.

    As far as fixing them? I really don’t give a shit. They are as fixable as the North Korean ruling elite.

    Anyone who thinks they can be smiled and hugged into the modern age is a fool.

    • jhallenworld a day ago

      >I’m talking about apostasy

      Yeah, I was guessing...

      >As far as fixing them? I really don’t give a shit.

      What would you suggest then? Kill them all?

YorickPeterse 2 days ago

You can call Israel out on its bullshit while also doing the same with Hezbollah and Hamas, it's not mutually exclusive.

cornercasechase 2 days ago

No one wants to holiday in an apartheid state. The younger generations have access to actual footage on the ground in Palestine, they will never support Israel.