Comment by dredmorbius

Comment by dredmorbius 2 days ago

1 reply

Listening to BBC News headlines earlier today, this seems to be exactly what's occurring. Multiple devices did not explode, and are being investigated by multiple parties. I cannot find a specific story detailing this presently.

There's some discussion of the mechanics of the modifications in this TEMPCO story, though how the information was ascertained isn't clear:

[S]enior Lebanese source said the devices had been modified by Israel's spy service "at the production level."

"The Mossad injected a board inside of the device that has explosive material that receives a code. It's very hard to detect it through any means. Even with any device or scanner," the source said.


Presumably not by like-and-subscribe seeking YouTubers, however.

Edit: World Service broadcast, analysis note at ~52s: <>