lukan 2 days ago

If you look at the birth rates, it rather looks Israel will disappear at some point. There is a arab population inside of Israel that is growing fast and some already freak out over it.

Also no, they largely don't accept it. The fanatics on both sides dream of the day of final victory over the enemy. And then there will be everlasting peace and paradise or something like it.

LincolnedList 2 days ago

This is a little ridiculous. Lets say all the Lebanese "grow up" and say they had it enough with these black ops by their enemies. And so each able man takes a gun in hand and goes to war against Israel. And lets say they lose the war badly. What now?

gryzzly 2 days ago

they should grow up and get rid of Iran‘s proxy waging war against civilian population from their territory and obviously also terrorizing the local population – they also built tunnels and invested hundreds of millions into terrorism infrastructure instead of investing into poor economy of Lebanon and make real jobs etc. etc.