Comment by caeril

Comment by caeril 2 days ago

1 reply

> The EU is probably not going to be happy

Happiness is irrelevant, especially when it comes to geopolitics.

In the US, criticism of Israel is antagonistic to our Judeo-Christian values.

In the EU, criticism of Israel is tantamount to the rise of a Fourth Reich.

Germany, in particular, is scared shitless of this accusation, and will accept any and all actions by Israel. This is a country who can do no wrong, and will get away with whatever they feel like.

> This is going to create a lot of distrust in the international supply chain.

This reminds me of people who were legitimately shocked to learn about the Snowden disclosures. If you don't already know the supply chain is thoroughly poisoned, and has been for decades, there is no helping you.