Comment by turnsout

Comment by turnsout a day ago

5 replies

I love this model… It said "Hello, how can I help you?" and I paused, and before I could answer it said "It's really hard. My job is taking up so much of my time, and I don' know when I' going to have a break from all the stress. I just feel like I'm being pulled in a million different directions and there are no enough hours in the day to get everything done. I feel like I'm always on the brink of burning out."

montereynack a day ago

We’ve finally managed to give our AI models existential dread, imposter syndrome and stress-driven personality quirks. The Singularity truly is here. Look on our works, ye Mighty, and despair!

  • fy20 a day ago

    Great... Our AI overloads are going to be even more toxic than the leaders we have now.

    • nirav72 a day ago

      Just what we need in our current time line. /a