Comment by chaosist

Comment by chaosist 2 months ago

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I was semi-retired two years ago and decided to do a LPN program to work part time, do something physical, something that felt like a moral win and good for society.

I would have had no problem intellectually getting through the program but quit after the first night in a hospital.

Anyone sitting at a desk can not understand how tough and miserable a nursing job is. Everyone is basically miserable and stressed out. The work is completely thankless, disgusting and dangerous with personal liability on the line if you make a mistake. Everything that we take for granted in an office setting just doesn't apply in a medical setting.

I eventually just went back to a bullshit project management job, for more money than a nurse of course. This is obviously part of the problem.

It is easy to complain about the system when it is someone else who has to help grandma to the bathroom. There is no easy solution for any of this given the demographics. It is basically a disaster.