Comment by phkahler

Comment by phkahler 2 days ago

5 replies

>> Future GM vehicles will come with Tesla’s charging port natively installed.

This makes me happy. I worked on "standard" charging infrastructure for a while and those plugs are fv*king heavy and clunky by comparison. Also talked to an old Ford guy I worked with years ago who was involved in the standard development process - he seems content to "understand" what the politics and compromises were to the extent he couldn't look at the thing and say "this sucks". Going beyond the physical clunkiness: There is no reason to have a powerline PHY in there. None. It's stupid and costs extra and isn't even used on the high power conductors.

gwbas1c 2 days ago

This just feels like VHS vs. Betamax. VHS won because it was the better format, but Betamax fans took a value out of context and kept whining about the loss for years.

(VHS was better. Not only was it cheaper, Betamax's smaller cassette meant that feature length movies used a slower tape speed than VHS, negating claims of a better picture.)

  • actionfromafar 2 days ago

    Must resist... nitpicking... no I can't. Betamax originally didn't sell tapes which could record more than 1 hour. So people couldn't tape movies onto a single tape, but had to use 2 tapes.

    What I really came to say is that the current reality is worse. In this analogy, not only did BetaMax win, neither BetaMax nor VHS came to Europe, but instead Philips 2000 won there. (US Teslas don't fast-charge in Europe.)

    • BobaFloutist 2 days ago

      >US Teslas don't fast-charge in Europe

      This is going to be deeply frustrating when they finally build that tunnel across the Atlantic.