Comment by ordinaryradical

Comment by ordinaryradical 2 days ago

20 replies

There’s a “live by the sword, die by the sword” reaction that I have to this.

I think we expect better of democracies, which is why these kinds of attacks shock us. But it is interesting that we are unsurprised when Lebanon/Hezbollah uses terror tactics but it quickly becomes a news event when Israel responds in kind.

Ironic because drone bombings like we did in Afghanistan would probably have a much more terrible collateral damage effect but be less newsworthy. But somehow boobytrapping radios and pagers pricks our conscience. Maybe because it feels more personal, intimate, and therefore retributive?

t0mas88 2 days ago

I think it's newsworthy because it's such a unique move, almost like it's from a spy novel. Not because 9 people died, that unfortunately happens semi regularly in this conflict.

snypher 2 days ago

My conscience was pricked when they killed probably 40,000 people in Palestine, so this extra 3,000 casualties is just more deaths from a terrorist state.

kjkjadksj 19 hours ago

When the US wants to guide a remote bomb into a hut in a village, estimations of the potential collateral damage are at least made and considered. This is the issue that the military community has with this attack. It was sloppy basically and none of this sort of assessment was made.

TiredOfLife 2 days ago

>I think we expect better of democracies, which is why these kinds of attacks shock us

Israel conducts probably the most precise military action in the history of warfare and people still demand more.

OutOfHere 2 days ago

Targeting solar panels absolutely does hurt conscience.

greedylizard 2 days ago

I wasn’t aware those terrorists organizations had exploded devices in public spaces. Please share your source.

  • danielvf 2 days ago

    Just a few months ago, Hezbollah exploded a rocket in soccer field with children playing, killing 12 children. Doesn't get much more "exploding devices in public spaces" than that.

    • tmnvix a day ago

      Very debatable. The local population seem to be under the impression that it was an iron dome missile that fell on the sports ground. Partly because they claim it is a regular occurance (malfunctioning dome missiles and detritus falling in the area).

      Ask yourself, why would the Druze population be a target? It's almost unthinkable that Hezbollah deliberately targeted those civilians.

  • vondur 2 days ago

    Are you kidding? Here's just one of many: 14 FEB 2005 Beirut, Lebanon Suicide bomber detonated a VBIED, assassinates former Lebanese Prime Minister; 22 killed, 231 wounded

  • alephnerd 2 days ago

    > I wasn’t aware those terrorists organizations had exploded devices in public spaces

    They've done much worse.

    The UN found Hezbollah (on behalf of the Assad regime) guilty of massacring 700 civilians in Daraya in 2012 [0].

    The Daraya Massacre is what ended the prospect of a negotiated end to the Syrian Civil War, and radicalized a significant wave of Sunni FSA fighters to join Jabhat al-Nusra and the then fledgling Daesh.

    The same leaders in Hezbollah that Israel has targeted over the past several weeks are the same ones that lead the Daraya Massacre [1] as well as other human right abuses in Syria and Lebanon.

    More recently, Hezbollah has been indiscriminately shelling Northern Israel, which itself has lead to incidents like the Madjal Shams attack, which left 12 children dead [2].

    Israel absolutely has been indiscriminate in Gaza and Lebanon, but so is every other actor (Hamas, Hezbollah, etc) in this tragedy.

    This is war.

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