Comment by phkahler

Comment by phkahler 2 days ago

1 reply

>> I'd bet huge that there is a layer of managers who don't see themselves as being accountable for domain competence in anything they manage as that's what the consultants are for.

Ah the old "management is a generic function" argument. A CEO from Coke is qualified to run GM or Intel. Just have the executive team give me all the information and spell out what results in the biggest $$$ and I'll "make the decision". I thought that silly notion was sunset some time ago...

motohagiography 2 days ago

it's how institutions work and it's very alive anywhere with inclusion programs of any kind. to hire managers based to anything other than strict hierarchical domain competence depends on the premise that managers are generic low agency minders of things that are already creating value themselves, and a transferrable/interchangeable function. nothing outdated about that at all.