Comment by wlesieutre

Comment by wlesieutre 2 days ago

16 replies

The downside is that when people are considering which car to buy, Tesla has enjoyed their charging network as a strong selling point that other automakers don't have

aniviacat 2 days ago

But they gain the selling point that charging Teslas is cheaper.

  • alamortsubite 2 days ago

    How much will owners of other manufacturers' cars pay for electricity at the Superchargers, compared to those who have Teslas? The article doesn't mention this (or I missed it). I'm curious to know what this adds up to over the life of a car.

    • bluGill 2 days ago

      Short term it will likely be the same - Telsa has the most chargers, but they do not have a monopoly and they will be forced to charge the same to all just to compete.

      • wlesieutre 2 days ago

        Most places it's not like gas stations where there's 3 on the same block and they all have exactly the same price all the time, people are going to stop at whatever charger is located where they need it and pay whatever the price is as long as it's within reason.

  • kelnos 2 days ago

    Something I hope is legislated away in the future. Can you imagine if the norm was that you got a different price for gas at gas stations depending on who owns the gas station and who manufactured your car?

    • notpushkin a day ago

      If my car comes with a gas station’s loyalty card I don’t really see a problem.