Comment by pdabbadabba

Comment by pdabbadabba 2 days ago

1 reply

Thanks for the thorough explanation. I think there are two things worth adding to your picture that distinguish Hezbollah from Hamas.

The first is that about 60,000 Israelis are currently displaced because they lived in a zone that Hezbollah is targeting with rocket attacks. (Which, FWIW, appear to intentionally target civilians.) Many of them have been living in hotels for nearly a year. Just yesterday, the Israeli cabinet updated its official war goals to include allowing residents to return to their homes in the north. What I hear is that this is now an issue roughly on par with returning the hostages from Gaza in terms of its salience within Israel.

The second is that Hezbollah is far more powerful than Hamas ever was. Unlike Hamas, I think Israel must recognize that elimination of Hezbollah is not a realistic aim.

digging a day ago

Appreciate the measured input. Those are both pretty important points and I don't dispute it's a very different situation from the war with Hamas.