Comment by jmkr

Comment by jmkr a day ago

1 reply

There's some idiom that says something like "you don't understand something if you can't explain it." I think this is the real point of code review. To make a case for why your code is valuable. If it's just a blob of 1000 lines of "refactor" or "adding feature." It means nothing. A good commit has some kind of abstract tailored to what work was done.

Then a review becomes something like "the claim was made this function does this, does it look like the function does what it says it does?" If you can understand it in context, then you've added trust and knowledge of how it works.

However it seems to often be the case a review turns into "I like this word better than that word" so back to the explaining it point, it becomes a bit of a self review with the hope it might be helpful to somebody else in the future.

lanstin a day ago

There is a balance there. You can have 1000 trivial commits making it hard to see the fact you just have 10 features, and ten mind-breaking commits making it hard to see what each feature entails. (Then there's the 50 commits "try this" where you are fighting CI or CD and can't test without going thru a git commit/push.)