Comment by akshayka

Comment by akshayka 2 days ago

5 replies

Have you considered using marimo notebooks?

marimo notebooks are stored as pure Python (executable as scripts, versionable with git), and they largely eliminate the hidden state problem that affects Jupyter notebooks -- delete a variable and it's automatically removed from program memory, run a cell and all other cells that use its variables are marked as stale.

marimo notebooks are also readily parametrized with CLI arguments, so you can do: python -- -foo 1 -bar 2 ...

Disclosure: I'm a marimo developer.

cycomanic 2 days ago

There is also jupytext which converts Jupyter notebooks on the fly to a number of different formats (Markdown, python,...). It's at the core of the Jupyterbook project IIRC and IMO the best method to use Jupyter with git.

  • __mharrison__ 2 days ago

    I use Jupytext (and my own conversion utilities) all the time. I write my books inside of Jupyter these days.

sa1 a day ago

You should make a new post about the new sandbox feature.

ThouYS 2 days ago

thanks mate, exactly what I've been looking for