Comment by game_the0ry

Comment by game_the0ry 2 days ago

6 replies

So I have an idea...

Why not let the computer science students take a crack at building some of those systems? Maybe not the an HR system, but why not a course registration system? Maybe not for the whole university, but maybe for just the computer science department?

The university would get work for free and the students would get real-world practice with building production code.

I get that there would be risk, but if it was under the supervision of professors (who hopefully are good at building, not just lecturing theory), I think there is an opportunity there.

pgraf 2 days ago

> I get that there would be risk, but if it was under the supervision of professors (who hopefully are good at building, not just lecturing theory) […]

Good joke here! If you are actually serious, please tell us which university you encountered where the majority of professors actually did something productive in computer science

  • game_the0ry 2 days ago

    Personally, I would not paint all professors with the same shit-stained brush.

    • pgraf 2 days ago

      Sorry if that came around as rude. From personal experience I have not met any professor in my life who could lead such a project, let alone with students that don’t have any work experience… And you imply there should be multiple of them for the project to succeed

vondur 2 days ago

Someone has to maintain the code. Can you imagine making students doing that kind of work? They'd rightly asked to be paid for it. And getting faculty to manage the students doing that kind of work, they'd definitely want extra pay.

MangoCoffee 2 days ago

>Why not let the computer science students take a crack at building some of those systems?

they need someone to blame if something gone wrong.