Comment by neilv

Comment by neilv 2 days ago

1 reply

Garbage overpriced systems that everyone hates, and which substantially hurt the organization... How do you land those sales? (Joke: "Asking for a friend.")

Some bad ways that big-ticket purchasing decisions are made:

* Committee of people who don't know what they're doing, and/or who can't coordinate to arrive at a good holistic decision/solution.

* Person who wants this done for good reasons, but doesn't know what they're doing.

* Person who wants this as an accomplishment credited to them, but doesn't know what they're doing.

* Person who is mainly thinking "nobody ever got fired for buying [old big-name vendor]", and everything else is secondary.

* Person who is bribed by vendor (e.g., immediate cash, quasi dates with attractive salesperson, career rotating door with vendor).

Other ways?

(I haven't directly seen the bribery way, though heard of it in news stories. I've definitely seen all the other bad ways happen.)

phonon 2 days ago

1. Be willing to spend 5 and 6 figures (unreimbursed) responding to lengthy RFPs. 2. Work with an established Systems Integrator (who will take a large percentage.)