Comment by pvaldes

Comment by pvaldes 2 days ago

1 reply

> But can the manufacturer sue? do they have any chance of winning?

For Gold Apollo the dilemma here is either to sue the Israel Government (and try to survive the experience as company), or to take the piss and be sued for the families of the people mutilated by "their" product. They are in a difficult position.

It depends on how deep are their pockets and what they think will do less damage to the brand. Also if it has Taiwanese government support or not (unlikely as they probably depend on Israel technology for defense); and if Taiwan companies team with them or not. If the "made in Taiwan" sector want to keep selling radios and pagers to the rest of the planet they need to assure that this can't happen again.

I assume that the consequences for Israel will be indirect, limited and approved by USA, or none.

pvaldes 2 days ago

Update: Gold Apollo is a small company with about 30 employees. The CEO said that this was humiliating, the products were made by a distributor in Hungary and that they were ruined for that. Small chances that they could sue anybody.