Comment by _aavaa_
Comment by _aavaa_ 2 months ago
I would not. High false alarm rates are a problem in all sorts of industry when it comes to warnings and alerts. Too many alerts, or too many false positive alerts cause operators (or nurses in this example) to start ignoring such warnings.
This is the real problem. In a perfect world, everyone pays attention to alarms with the same attentiveness all the time. But it just isn't reality. Before going into building software, I was in the Navy and after that did work as a chemical system tech. In the Navy, I worked in JP-5 pumprooms. In both environments we had alarms and in both environments we learned what were nuisance alarms and what weren't, or just took alarms with a grain of salt and there for never paid proper attention to them.
That is always the issue with alarms. You have a fine line to walk. Too many alarms and people become complacent and learn to ignore alarms. Too few alarms and you don't draw the attention that is needed.