xmprt 2 days ago

> so in perspective it's a very small amount of money

$5M/year could pay for at least another 10-20 professors which is like an entirely new department. Let's also not forget the initial $600M spent which (assuming they'll use this software for the next 30 years) will be $20M/year bringing the total to $100/student/year which isn't negligible.

More broadly speaking, I have a gripe with people bringing up percentages of budgets when discussing how much value something brings. My college had a startup fair where students pitched some super innovative ideas. The grand prize was $5000. If we had $5M, we could give that grand prize to 1000 teams and imagine how much more valuable that would be for the school compared to another feature bloated, overpriced piece of software.

  • gkoberger 2 days ago

    Okay, so if you hire 10-20 more professors... who's going to build and maintain the system so students can sign up for those classes?

    • bufferoverflow a day ago

      Programmers. You code the system once, it's not that complex, spend $10M max.

      Then you maintain it with a couple of senior devs at $1M/year max.

cipheredStones 2 days ago

The one-letter omission of "k" in "$20k/student/year" really makes a difference here.

  • gkoberger 2 days ago

    No, $5M / 250,000 is $20. (I updated my comment to add a clause about $5M, to reduce confusion.)