Comment by jeffwask

Comment by jeffwask 2 days ago

8 replies

My first thought was for $800 million you could found your own startup to write an HRMS and have enough left over for a fleet of super cars.

mhuffman 2 days ago

I once submitted an RFP response for what was literally a CRUD app for a government agency. Medium-ish (to me) traffic. Needed to be rock-solid. Needed to be developed to spec, hosted, and supported (including tech support) for 5 years. I bid a little over $2million (I personally would have made about $500k of that). After a bit, the RFP was withdrawn and given to a sole-source provider for $100million, with the excuse that it was so complicated (HN would laugh at this if you saw the spec) that only one company could do it. So, that company gets it. Outsources everything to contractors in Pakistan. Site is constantly glitchy. And this next part is not a lie (and was def. not part of the spec) -- it only worked during business hours (m-f, 8am-5pm)! However the users of the site had to do work every day due to legal deadline requirements. They just had to set on the data until the next workday morning. I suspect that the provider spent about $1million or less for the entire contract and just kept the rest. So that is how govt. contracts can go.

efitz 2 days ago

With government bureaucrats with no penalty for failure and no expertise in software development guiding the design? And “lowest bidder” contractors to implement whatever shitty design the bureaucrats came up with?

Hahaha recipe for failure.

renewiltord 2 days ago

Well, San Francisco tried that for $40m and all they ended up with is a system that doesn't work and an Indian contractor that they made rich.

  • rlt 2 days ago

    Sounds like poorly aligned incentives.

    • renewiltord 2 days ago

      SF's watchword is "MORE FUNDING". Money is like violence: if it isn't working, you aren't using enough.

      • lesuorac 2 days ago

        That's kinda the only lever a lot of government has.

        If you don't build out a bunch of civil positions then you can only solve problems by throwing money at ideally somebody who can.

        • renewiltord 2 days ago

          That's my dream. One day I hope to recommend someone spend more money on me because I suck at what I do. So long as it's not their money, they should be quite willing.

  • p_l 2 days ago

    If they paid WITCH company to realise it...well, they got what they paid for