Comment by zackmorris

Comment by zackmorris 2 days ago

0 replies

Ya and unfortunately this is from Stanford. It's a private university, but that's still not a good look. It's amazing in 2024 that so many demos, especially in AI, are getting this wrong.

We're long overdue for better sources of online revenue. I understand that AI costs money to train (I don't believe that it costs substantial money to run - that's a scam) but if we thought that walled gardens were bad, we ain't seen nothin yet. We're entering an exclusive era where the haves enjoy vastly more money than the have nots, so basically the bottom half of the population will be ignored as customers. The good apps will be exclusive clubs that the plebeians gaze at from afar, like a reverse zoo.

I just want something where I can pay 1 cent to $1 to skip login. Ideally from a virtual account that's free to use but guilts me into feeding it money. So maybe after 100 logins I pay it a few dollars. And then a reward system where wealthy users can pay it forward so others can browse for free.

I would make it in my spare time, but of course there is no such thing in the 21st century climate of boom-bust cycles and mass layoffs.