Comment by kypro

Comment by kypro 2 days ago

6 replies

Twitter is excellent if you're looking for a social network where you can consume content and interact with domain experts in various fields.

In my experience it's really only those who go there for politics that get annoyed by it – perviously it was the right-wingers who were angry because it was too left-wing, and now it's left-wingers who think it's too right-wing.

Personally I've noticed practically no change.

juneyi 2 days ago

Agree. I don't even use the 'for you' feed, and even when I check occasionally I've been able to cater my algorithm so it's purely related to the domain I'm interested in which is rust, startups, and tech news.

But my personal follow feed has all the interesting topics that I follow so it's easy to just stick to that.

crystal_revenge 2 days ago

While Twitter has absolutely degraded in quality over the past year or so, it is one of the last places were experts still interact with people.

I remember in the early days of Reddit it was pretty common to interact with all sorts of relatively well known people in their field. Now it's just soccer moms and bot farms.

While there are still a few experts lurking around HN, I've noticed this has declined as well over time. In part I suspect because the HN crowd has increasingly become surprisingly less technically expert on average.

kenjackson 2 days ago

I don't notice a political change -- in part because I'm not political at all on Twitter. But there's a LOT of noise on everything. Half the time I can't tell if I'm in the replies to a given post or somewhere else, because so many of the replies are non-sensical.

TikTok has become my "random browsing" feed. But I will go to Twitter and YouTube to get full-length unedited content when I need specific content.

yodsanklai 2 days ago

You can't escape politics because most domain experts can't resist to engaging in sterile debates. And if you manage to find those who don't, you can't tune your feed to not show you some garbage.

KerrAvon 2 days ago

Helping to prop up the site's racist, neo-nazi owner doesn't bother you at all?

mschuster91 2 days ago

> Personally I've noticed practically no change.

IME, there's two things that were a bad problem pre-takeover and exploded afterwards: porn spam bots (like bots, follow bots, reply bots) that just acted on keywords in your tweets and Russian disinformation bots that also act on keywords. It has gotten better the last few weeks with the various leaks and a Verfassungsschutz investigation in Germany that uncovered the "Doppelgänger" botnet, but it's still an absurd nuisance.

> In my experience it's really only those who go there for politics that get annoyed by it – perviously it was the right-wingers who were angry because it was too left-wing, and now it's left-wingers who think it's too right-wing.

Well... and brands. Brands don't want their advertisements to appear next to someone showing the Nazi salute, calling for executions or whatever garbage they're pushing, and it is measurable both in financial data as well as in the quality of the ads - it used to be household brands, now it's mostly dropshipping, fake mobile game and cryptocurrency scams.
