Comment by bluedino

Comment by bluedino 2 days ago

4 replies

It seems like there should be 5-6 vendors of 'University HR Software'

You want 1,000 licenses for it? That will be $5,000 a year, for a total of $5 million

It's going to us a year to implement it, we're going to send out 25 people to get it up and running, train your users, etc. That's another $25 million.

We'll spend the next year building integrations to all of your other software and systems, that's going to be another $25 million.

These quotes will all vary +/- 25% depending on the vendor. Schedule a 200 hours of meetings, trainings, etc for 500 people involved with the new software. That's another $5 million.

Where's the other $540 million coming from?

phkahler 2 days ago

>> It seems like there should be 5-6 vendors of 'University HR Software'

Why can't the CS department join up with other universities and have a bunch of students build it? Open source it.

  • tqi 2 days ago

    Well CS departments are rarely staffed by people who are interested in building actual software (if they were, they could just work in industry making significantly more money), and HR software is probably the worst vertical for a bunch of kids with no experience working in.

  • jhallenworld 2 days ago

    My school tried this in the early 90s: they held a contest to make class scheduling software. I don't think it worked out- I certainly did not enter it.

    This was to replace the previous system: professor John van Alstyne just did it over a weekend.

  • ibejoeb 2 days ago

    I think that's a fine idea for a trade school