Comment by epistasis

Comment by epistasis 2 days ago

1 reply

This is some sort of weird projection, where you have swallowed lots of propaganda, accuse anybody with actual facts as being "insane," and then accuse others of exactly what you are doing.

Meanwhile, back in reality

Bloomberg: US South Accounts for Lion’s Share of Factory Construction Boom

Bloomberg Video from a year ago "factory construction has doubled":

"So one was just like, "Oh yeah, they got those higher starting wages." If you're walking in with no background in manufacturing, no skills that you could point to, the starting wages are in the like $17.50 to $22 an hour range depending on the role"

This is not from tariffs, it's from carrots in tax incentives, used to build up the entire supply chain, not just a few factories.

If you have empty shelves in grocery stores, where the hell are you living? You expect me to not believe my own eyes, and imagine some empty grocery store shelves? If so, it's your own area's politics that are causing the problem. Wages are waaaaay up, especially on the lower end, much less on the top end.

The economy in the US is blowing away China, Europe, etc. We are so strong right now. If you are not doing well in your own micro area, look internally to see how your area is fucking up so much when there's opportunity everywhere.

riehwvfbk 2 days ago

Empty grocery shelves are you not being able to read, and taking a comparison literally. However, they could be observed not long ago in much of the country. There were supply chain issues during COVID with most anything. And even after COVID there were disruptions like a sudden unavailability of eggs.

Starting wages increasing by 20% for the first time in a decade doesn't even keep up with inflation.

You are so strong you have to completely change trade policy to a protectionist one. China is the one to watch for the next decade.