Comment by resters

Comment by resters a day ago

4 replies

Can anyone vouch for the privacy and overall trustworthiness of the team? I really love this concept and want to install it immediately!

adityawasudeo a day ago

I can vouch for the fact that we don't have access to any of your data! From your perspective, what's a good proof point you would like to see?

  • JackC a day ago

    Re: proof point, what you're trying to show is that this won't steal passwords or data or be sold to someone who will, so you have to put some reputations behind it. The best thing would be to put your team on the site -- right now there are zero people on the site with their names behind this. Put who they are, where they worked before, and have them refer to this project from their LinkedIn/Github/etc. so it's a two-way link -- then there's reputations at stake. Then if you can also get some people with larger reputations than yours to believe in you and put their reputations behind it the same way, via an advisory board etc, that's even better.

    Your privacy policy and terms are not bad, in that they address your specific software and describe an opt out for collecting aggregated data. I'd proofread, since typos like "Users also have the option of opting out of this collect when" make it sound like you haven't had lawyers look at your privacy approach. And "We may collect information about how you use the Service, such as search queries" sounds ominous, maybe qualify that up front.

    Finally, this is when people start asking what your plan is for monetizing, since "sell the data" is the default plan. Having a good answer to that on the site would be great.

    • adityawasudeo a day ago

      Great feedback Jack, thank you for taking the time to review and write this! We'll address these points on the site as well. For folks following this thread, this is me:

      On monetization, it's still early days but one thing we're clear about is not building an advertising product or adopting any business models which rely on accessing or trading user data. Our philosophy is more on the lines that we'd rather not have any access to user data or identity to avoid legal/regulatory complexity!

      Our ambition is to incrementally tackle the various time sinks knowledge workers face at work (finding information, paperwork, meeting hell etc.) - basically the same nonsense we personally endured for years in Big Tech! If we do that competently I'm optimistic that companies and people will value the productivity gains enough for us to make a half decent living.

  • lancesells 15 hours ago

    You have no information about where you are, who you are, etc. I might have installed this 15 years ago, but I would never use an app where it has access to my emails when I know zero about the company.

    You start off saying "I" and then continually start saying "we". This might be some weekend project where you haven't gotten to any of that, but to trust something to read my emails, which contain so much personal information, is just a no-go.