Comment by talldatethrow

Comment by talldatethrow 2 days ago

2 replies

Your analogy is somewhat backwards. Insurance companies squeeze body shops pretty well. If you go in there and ask for the same work you will pay more.

The real difference is that often times a person will just say make it look okay and I'll be fine. Whereas insurance work is basically making a car good as new because that is legally required. If you try to get the same level of service at retail you will pay more.

panzagl 2 days ago

Interesting. I've been lucky in that I haven't had non-cosmetic damage repaired, but it always seemed like there were several iterations when insurance was involved.

  • talldatethrow 2 days ago

    There are tons of body shops that won't even take insurance work because of the low pay and somewhat low standards of work as well.