Comment by cosmojg

Comment by cosmojg 2 days ago

1 reply

How many different dentists have you been to in the past twenty years? Does she see the same dentist as you now?

I once had a dentist who claimed I had a cavity every visit. I saw him once a year, and he did little more than look at my teeth. I've since switched dentists three times as I moved around the country and my dental insurance changed, and with all three, I've gotten nothing but rave reviews about the state of my teeth. I see my latest dentist twice a year, and he does an X-ray and an intraoral scan every other visit, and on my most recent visit, he discovered that one of those alleged cavities my first dentist had filled was filled improperly and appeared to have become reinfected. Unfortunately for me, I was busy at the time and postponed treatment for too long, and now the filling has fallen out and the tooth has collapsed in on itself, requiring a root canal and a crown, which in addition to being somewhat painful, will likely set me back several thousand dollars.

If you have access to the Journal of American Medicine (JAMA), I highly recommend reading this recent review of overdiagnosis and overtreatment in dentistry[1]. If you don't have access to JAMA, you can find pertinent excerpts in this Reddit post[2], along with some interesting backlash from some thoroughly offended dentists (all of it without any real supporting evidence, of course, though some of the points brought up are worth considering).



dsego a day ago

I think my current dentist might be overdiagnosing a bit, we were doing a bunch of work even though another dentist said everything was fine just a year before. My biggest regret currently is a decade old root canal done by my previous dentist that was never good and kept getting sore and inflamed in the gums. The new dentist eagerly redid the root canal a year ago but we eventually had to pull it out since a big abscess formed. Looking back, I should've extracted it sooner, since the bone was basically eaten away by lingering bacteria and I'll have to do some bone augmentation for an implant.