Comment by ddingus

Comment by ddingus 2 days ago

8 replies

Tek would have cost reduced that gear and it was in progress when it was all torn down. Tek would have also continued to make more great gear. That spirit stopped.

Tek was also getting nice returns on several of the more successful startups.

Vollum was no fool.

Snark mode = 1

You mean traded our future for baubles and trinkets today?

Yeah, I agree!

Snark mode = 0

I will ask again:

Where does our next generation of skilled labor come from?

And don't tell me we won't need it because automation. I have automated many things and will do so again, but I never managed to find a robot looking for a good meal, or a home, etc...

At some point we need to look at this in terms of our own, or we will be living in even more of a dystopia than the already growing one threatens to be.

If we do not ask and answer the question, "how do our future leaders and builders, mechanics make it?", they won't. And the cost on that is a lot higher than many will admit it is.

mlyle 2 days ago

> Where does our next generation of skilled labor come from?

I don't really want to talk to you because you're being deliberately abrasive. But I will leave you with one answer.

Your question presupposes that all the other areas of the economy that have eclipsed still-growing manufacturing do not produce "skilled" labor. I do not think this is a valid assumption.

  • ddingus 2 days ago

    Hey I marked the snark. I guess I don't want to talk to you either if you can't handle a little real discussion.

    And that helps nobody, yourself-included. There's nothing on this thread that you should turn your back away from. There's nothing on this thread that should even hurt!

    And finally, I'll always talk to the other people. Keeping that door open is the only way we get progress. Just consider that for the future.

    What's your calling abrasive is passion. I actually do really give a shit. Consider that too.

    • mlyle 2 days ago

      There's infinite people to talk to on the internet-- indeed there's more people to talk to on this thread that share your views than I can manage. I don't need to pick the sub-branch which is unnecessarily unfriendly.

      edit: I care, too. I mean, I went into education where I'm teaching future high-skilled labor and building human capital ;) And--- where I am, the kids are alright.

      • ddingus 2 days ago

        They are all right for now. No joke. The ones who can afford to see you that is. ( education is currently expensive, not a slight on you at all)

        There are good reasons why the percentage of people who agree with me are high.

        Edit: yes you absolutely do get to pick and choose and I support your ability to do so! However I will observe that you are operating at a disadvantage by doing so

  • ddingus 2 days ago

    It does produce some skilled labor, but those skills aren't always the same as the ones needed to make things and make them well and make them inexpensively and make them sustainably.

    And by percentage it's no replacement for what we had before. All one needs to do is take a look at massive numbers of young people looking for opportunity not able to find it to understand what this all means.