Comment by Cheetah26

Comment by Cheetah26 2 days ago

4 replies

Much better legislation would be requiring that the firmware/software source be released at EOL, so that users can maintain the hardware they purchased for as long as they like.

meindnoch 2 days ago

Probably we need both. Hardkill all devices, and let determined users resurrect their own devices with the open source firmware if needed. The point is that millions of vulnerable devices won't stay online by default.

mnau 2 days ago

How big percentage of customers even logged to their home router. It will be way below 10% (I would wager in lower single digit percents).


* manufactures open source it

* "someone" is going to maintain it, for free

* all these people are going to find non-malware infested fork

* upload custom ROM to their devices.

I just don't see it.

Automatic updates/killswitch are the only way forward.

liotier 2 days ago

Want to sell a device ? Deposit the software in escrow, released one year after the firm stops supporting the device !