Comment by cptskippy

Comment by cptskippy 2 days ago

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> The tone of the article is for some reason very dismissive and derisive of alternatives to plain dental hygiene.

Putting my conspiracy theory hat on, the dental hygiene industry in the US is for-profit, like the pharmaceutical, and would rather sell you a treatment than a cure.

I tried to have a dialog with my child's dentist about nano-hydroxyapatite. I was interested in their thoughts about it, not as a replacement for fluoride based therapies, but in addition to them. Rather than having a discussion about the merits of both treatments or discussing any concerns about compatibility, the dentist adopted an attitude that was belittling and made me feel like I was an anti-vaxer. The suggested we could just not do any fluoride therapies at all.

It was very odd and alarming.