Comment by squigz

Comment by squigz 2 days ago

7 replies

I disagree. Even politics spurs intelligent, nuanced discussion here on HN.

And to hold up discussions about MS as an example of 'extremely' low quality discussion is, ah, interesting. Do you have any recent examples of such discussions?

matrix87 a day ago

> spurs intelligent, nuanced discussion here on HN

relative to what? reddit?

also there's a trade off between entropy and "quality". too much "quality" and everyone gets bored and goes somewhere more entertaining

  • squigz a day ago

    Relative to... unintelligent discussions?

    I also don't care if people leave because HN isn't 'entertaining' enough. I don't come here for that, and I don't expect the community members that make this place what it is to either.

vundercind 2 days ago

Politics and philosophy discussions here are intelligent in that most of the commenters aren’t dumb. They tend to be entirely uneducated and resistant to the educated.

bongodongobob 2 days ago

I hide every single article about MS because it's filled with all the neckbeardy tropes about their products being garbage spyware, switch to Linux, they're stealing your data, the OS is trash etc. It's comments from people who have never managed large scale MS based environments comparing their Windows Home to the other 90% of the business ecosystem that has nothing to do with home users or MS's main cash cow, businesses, Azure/Entra and M365. I'm done wasting my breath on MS here.