bee_rider 2 days ago

We’ve seen this with a couple words and expressions, and I don’t doubt that AI is somewhat likely to “like” some phrases for whatever reason. Big eigenvaues of the latent space or whatever, hahaha (I don’t know AI).

But also, words and phrases do become popular among humans, right? It would be a shame if AI caused the language to get more stagnant, as keeping up with which phrases are popular get you labeled as an AI.

  • cdrini a day ago

    Exactly, like how "mindful" and "demure" recently became more popular for seemingly no reason. Humans do this all the time.

    And language in general stagnates and shrinks in vocabulary over time ( ). (Link that ChatGPT helped me find :P) I think AI will increase the average persons vocabulary, since it appears to in general be better/more professionally written than a lot of what the average person is exposed to online.

bongodongobob 2 days ago

Delves are a new thing in World of Warcraft released 9/10 this year. Delve is also an M365 product that has been around for some time and is being discontinued in December. So no, that has nothing to do with LLMs.

  • _proofs 2 days ago

    Delve was also an addition to PoE, which I imagine had its own spike in google searches relative to that word.