Comment by FrustratedMonky

Comment by FrustratedMonky 2 days ago

1 reply

"quite reasonably"

Joke is, it was GPT 4o. I didn't phrase it to be like an LLM, I asked GPT to defend itself, and used it's text un-edited. Except adding the 'but but but"

There is a lot out there that people are no longer able to determine if it is an LLM. They are getting better. That they are no longer obvious is the scary part.

commodoreboxer 2 days ago

Ah, I've never really been able to discern. There is obvious LLM text, but it's harder to tell the difference in short samples, and with some prompting to get it to write in a particular style, it's been easy to make LLM output non-obvious for a while now.