Comment by resters

Comment by resters 2 days ago

2 replies

Heartless? In my view it is inappropriate for the government to prohibit or tax peaceful, voluntary activity such as trade.

The US grew economically due to the interstate commerce clause prohibiting states from imposing tariffs on each other, and now we are supposed to believe that Trump and Perot are economic geniuses because they want to subsidize coal extraction and tax EVs so that Americans have to pay double?

Most of the big wars started because countries got protectionist and isolated and had no economic reason not to fight each other.

lurking15 a day ago

Yes it is heartless, because it's talking about complete dissolution of communities and swaths of the country due to corporate decisions that are all made under certain regulatory regimes and strategic policies of foreign nations (in many cases enemies). Look at H1B, I've never seen a good justification for it based on working in many large corporations, there's absolutely no reason we can't be finding actual citizens that could fill these jobs and build their careers.

  • resters 19 hours ago

    > finding actual citizens that could fill these jobs and build their careers.

    So then let's let them immigrate and gain citizenship!