javagram 2 days ago

News reports say that Israel had copies of the Oct 7 plans but found it impossible to believe and were convinced hamas didn’t want all out war.

Similar to Pearl Harbor where we also had intelligence of the attack I suppose…

dtquad 2 days ago

October 7th happened exactly because Israel was over-focusing on Iranian proxies like Hezbollah and underestimated Hamas.

bawolff 2 days ago

The same way usa can blow up any country in the world but was blindsided by 9/11.

When the element of surprise is involved, the attacker only has to get lucky once,the defender has to be lucky every day.

  • [removed] 2 days ago
atemerev 2 days ago

Preparation. Surprise attacks work… once. Then, you have to wait for a few years when the enemy side lowers their readiness again.