minkles 2 days ago

But it stops a third wrong.

  • lupusreal 2 days ago

    It absolutely does not. The violence will continue with both sides dishing it out and feeling completely justified in doing so because of what was previously done to them.

    • burningChrome 2 days ago

      Or one side accepts a two state solution and stops using its proxies to attack Israel. Unfortunately, there have been eight attempts to give the Palestinians their own state and its been rejected every time. In the 90's, Bill Clinton gave them practically everything they asked for and was still rejected.

      The only condition they will ever accept is when Israel ceases to exist.

      Which begs the question - who's really initiating and continuing the violence? Israel has offered peace. HAMAS and its proxies like Hezbollah have rejected it every time. It should be obvious there's only one side who wants peace and one side who only wants war.

      • balthigor 2 days ago

        Israel in no way offers "peace". Never have. Nor do any of the other "actors" in this tragedy.

      • danbruc 2 days ago

        Unfortunately, there have been eight attempts to give the Palestinians their own state and its been rejected every time.

        Can we have a source for that claim? I do not know how you would arrive at the number eight and how any offer would qualify as giving the Palestinians all they asked for. The Oslo process was probably the best shot but did not even come close to resolving the conflict. A lot of the contentious issue were just deferred to be figured out within five years and that simply never happened.

    • minkles 2 days ago

      So what's your solution then?

      Incidentally it does work. It's just horrible. Nagasaki / Hiroshima are a fine example of forced capitulation. Now I'm not suggesting nuking anyone but the best way this ends, with the lowest future body count is someone wins decisively at this point.

      • lupusreal a day ago

        Who said I have a solution? The violence will continue, I just want my country (America) to stop involving itself by providing material/financial/etc support to Israel. I think this is likely to happen once baby boomers are fully aged out of the political process (because the synthesis of christianity and zionism are far less popular with younger generations.) I do not propose a resolution to the conflict but do anticipate America distancing itself from the conflict.

      • philistine 2 days ago

        You’re rewriting history to suit your point of view. The Japanese state was uninterested in capitulating after the nuclear bombs. It’s the declaration of war by the Soviets and rapid invasion of then-Manchuria which led the Japanese to accept unconditional surrender. They trusted the West to keep the emperor more than the Communists.

      • secstate 2 days ago

        Correction, the best way this ends now is that Bibi lives to a nice old age and dies of natural causes and not in prison. This is not the Empire of Japan. This is a poorly funded proxy war being kept just below a boil so certain members of Israel's political class are not found to be criminals.

        • minkles 2 days ago

          I agree there to some extent, but believe me it's not going to be all roses if you change the leadership. It will just be different actors. And in the transition time, things will get worse. I think you are chasing the wrong solution.

csmpltn 2 days ago


  • drawkward 2 days ago

    Try taking the matter into their own hands by bringing the illegal west bank settlers to trial. Tried that yet?

    • minkles 2 days ago
      • GordonS 2 days ago

        Has Israel tried removing themselves from lands they are illegally occupying?

        Has Israel tried not constantly lobbing missiles and rockets at Lebanon? (yes, I know Hezbollah had launched many rockets at territories Israel are illegally occupying, something like 1/4 of the number Israel has launched).

        Has Israel tried not dropping leaflets on Lebanese civilians, demanding they leave so Israel can steal their homes and land?

        Has Israel even tried stopping harassing the Lebanese population with sonic booms and armed drones?

        AFAICT the only thing Israel actually has tried, is more of the above.

    • csmpltn 2 days ago

      Hezbollah launched a war against Israel 12 months ago. Why is it suddenly an issue for you when they get hit back? Is it only a problem when Israel fights back?

      Stop launching rockets at Israel, comply with UN Resolution 1701, and the conflict is over. Why are you overcomplicating this?

      • anigbrowl 2 days ago

        It's rude to completely ignore the very reasonable argument someone brought up. The illegality of the West Bank settlements is not a new issue and long predates the latest round of military conflict.

      • drawkward 2 days ago

        Whataboutism. Hezbollah's bad behavior doesnt excuse the illegality of Israeli settlements. Stop trying to distract from the point at hand.

  • giraffe_lady 2 days ago

    Nothing else worked for what? What is the policy goal being pursued with this attack?