Comment by omginternets

Comment by omginternets 2 days ago

16 replies

The argument is that the IDF is targeting enemy combatants, and not deliberately targeting civilians (unlike, e.g. Hamas). The existence of non-combatant casualties alone does not imply terrorism.

newspaper1 2 days ago

The IDF has killed orders of magnitude more civilians than Hamas.

  • gryzzly 2 days ago

    It is Hamas who is to blame for these deaths. Launching rockets from densely populated areas.

    • Hikikomori 2 days ago

      How does bombing civilians stop rockets already launched? Most likely the person launching is already out of the area.

      • gryzzly 17 hours ago

        The whole thing of Hamas is embedding itself and its infrastructure in the civilian areas. If civilians are requested to evacuate, informed about the fact their houses are used by Hamas and the rocket launchers, rocket factories, tunnels and electric infrastructure to support all of that is going to be targeted, then perhaps it is not exactly fair to use words “bombing civilians” as a matter or fact?

  • omginternets 2 days ago


anigbrowl 2 days ago

not deliberately targeting civilians (unlike, e.g. Hamas)

This is not as simple as it looks. Hamas does indeed target civilians, but what really put the wind up Israel on October 7 was that they successfully overran 2 military bases and mounted a serious attack on a third, although that was repelled. Per Israeli media, the government there had significant prior warning (months or maybe as much as a year) but dismissed the intelligence in the belief that Hamas lacked the military capability and was just LARPing.