Comment by kelipso

Comment by kelipso 2 days ago

12 replies

To me it just looks like rhetoric, an us vs. them type deal. Call something terrorism so that you can justify using any kind of violence against them basically.

ericmcer 2 days ago

It isn't rhetoric... It is a specific combat strategy that small nations employ against huge ones. By targeting non-combatants and creating "terror" you can break the will of a larger nation.

If the USA in 2001 could have waved a magic wand that killed all the Taliban and didn't touch a hair on any non-combatants head they would have waved it and called it a day.

tradertef 2 days ago

Completely agree. Similar things are happening in Egypt, Turkey and other places..

robertlagrant 2 days ago

Not really. Not all violence is terrorism. Not all bad things are terrorism either. But terrorism is always bad. Ukrainians killing Russian soldiers isn't terrorism. Hezbollah trying to kill Israeli civilians is terrorism.

  • kelipso 2 days ago

    What would you call Russians killing Ukrainian soldiers and IDF killing Lebanese civilians then?

  • danbruc 2 days ago

    But terrorism is always bad.

    Suppose some country occupies another country and the occupied country has no proper army to fight back, therefore they resort to methods of unconventional warfare to fight back against the occupation. Would some call this terrorism? Would this qualify as terrorism given some proper definition of the term and objective judgment of the situation? Would it be bad? What if they not only target the military of the occupier but also their civilians as it is them who voted for the government doing the occupation? What if they did this out of some kind of necessity because targeting the occupying military is not effective given the power imbalance?

    • gryzzly a day ago

      some kind of necessity in this case is the death cult of islamism - it should be clear that glorifying martyrdom and calling a suicide bomber a martyr is that type of necessity

      • danbruc 13 hours ago

        Suicide bombers at least really have skin in the game compared to blowing up people half way around the world by drones at the press of a button. If you want to look down on people, then do it for their reasons to fight or the targets they pick, not for their choice of weapon.

    • gryzzly a day ago

      absolutely. there are plenty of examples of what you described and not all are blowing cafes and buses with civilians