Comment by mrtksn

Comment by mrtksn 2 days ago

4 replies

Well poisoning is an antisemitic talking point, its used as an excuse to target Jewish people by claiming that Jews are secretly poisoning the well from who their people during water.

xenospn 2 days ago

I’ve never heard that phrase before. Did you come up with it?

  • mrtksn 2 days ago

    Obviously, otherwise you would have heard of it.

  • meepmorp 2 days ago

    Jews poisoning wells was a common antisemitic accusation for centuries (and still - Mahmoud Abbas made a very similar, unsubstantiated claim in 2016) Also, accusations of murdering Christian babies to make matzo, generally worshiping the devil and desecrating communion hosts, etc.

    • exe34 a day ago

      what I didn't get was how the poster above was trying to make it sound like a bad thing ("don't they see") - making the enemy of Western values swear off Western infidel technology a perfect well to poison in my opinion.