Comment by DevX101

Comment by DevX101 2 days ago

9 replies

If they have the capacity to intercept the supply chain, they almost certainly have been implanting listening devices in electronics of all sorts. If you're not in Hezbollah or Hamas you probably don't need to worry about getting blown up by your phone, but if you've got a large platform and been very critical of Israel, it wouldn't be a huge stretch to imagine that you might get personally targeted by communication interception.

nebula8804 20 hours ago

Israel maintains public lists of people criticizing Israel (if you publicly apologize to them and renounce your views you can be removed) so I wouldn't be surprised that they are also maintaining a large network of interception. Maybe even using multiple avenues to collect data like buying from data brokers.


VertanaNinjai 2 days ago

Not so sure you need anything to do with Hezbollah to be afraid. One example of many.

  • negativeonehalf 2 days ago

    OK, also don't stand near Hamas fighters when they flagrantly violate international law and fight from designated humanitarian zones.

    (Obviously, voting in Hamas was a huge mistake, but Palestinians probably didn't expect Hamas to make that the last election. Unfortunately, you only need to elect a totalitarian government once.)

    • isr a day ago


      • hersko a day ago

        > That's why they are effectively winning their war against the Israeli military.

        What?? In what way is Hamas winning?