Comment by flakeoil

Comment by flakeoil 2 days ago

2 replies

So if someone steals a box of iphones, adds a few grams of explosives inside each phone, and then resells them or gives them away, then Apple is at fault?

lucianbr 2 days ago

If you buy the boxes from an Apple store, or from an approved distributor, Apple is at fault. What's the meaning of "approved"?

If you buy them from the back of a truck, then no, Apple has no fault of course.

But there's a declaration saying "we had nothing to do with the pagers even though they have our brand". That's different from saying "they were booby-trapped after they left our hands". Not even the company itself is claiming the defense you're using.

echoangle 2 days ago

The problem is that the company which did the rigging seems to have had an official license. If apple gave away licenses to build things branded apple and they contained explosives, I would blame apple, too.