Comment by guytv

Comment by guytv 2 days ago

5 replies

while blowing up a one-way comm device might make sense to intel agencies and countries, I am curious about the decision to blow up hand-helds instead of listening in on them undetected.

wood_spirit 2 days ago

Day one, blow up the pagers. Everyone stops using pagers.

Day two, blow up the backup device that Hezbollah had fallen back to using.

Perhaps on day three, now that Hezbollah has no effective communication and coordination and might even fall back to mobile phones, start ground ops?

  • anthk 2 days ago

    Day 4, Hezbollah uses pen/papers disguised as recipes shared between women with token words and procedures.

coffeebeqn 2 days ago

It is a little odd. I feel like Mossad didn’t do this just for fun? I can only guess what they’re trying to achieve

  • crystalmeph 2 days ago

    Demoralization of the enemy. Every single Hezbollah member is now paranoid that every single surface they touch is either listening to them or trying to kill them.

abracadaniel 2 days ago

Reportedly, these were in use for a few months. Maybe they got what they wanted, and used that to identify which devices to blow.