Comment by IshKebab

Comment by IshKebab 2 days ago

3 replies

These devices don't magically become secure just because white hats decide not to attack them.

You're advocating security through sticking-your-head-in-the-sand.

frankharv 2 days ago

I think we need a cyber swat team to assassinate anybody doing a port scan.

You want to play with something you don't own or have permission to play with it.

Assassinate target. You want to make money/fame off others. DIE.

If somebody came to you house and started jiggling doorhandles what would you do?

Why is cyber different?


  • PhilipRoman 2 days ago

    Fun idea, although nobody who is serious enough about hacking will use their home PC as source, more likely it will be some random grandpa's old router. Even putting that aside, we can't exactly send a SWAT team to China...

  • [removed] 2 days ago