22c a day ago

Interesting project..

> The most prominent feature of Zine is that every file format it uses has been created from scratch in order to handcraft the content authoring experience.

Sadly, this part is more of a detractor for me. Using generic templating languages, markup languages, etc. means that I'm not locking my content in to the only SSG that supports SuperHTML, SuperMD, Ziggy etc.

I appreciate the enthusiasm and open sourcing this for others to learn from, good luck with the project!

  • kristoff_it 21 hours ago

    I fully agree, new file formats are a nuisance, especially to make. I wouldn't have done it if the existing solutions felt good enough.

    Want to add logic to a HTML template? Say goodbye to syntax highlighting, autoformatting and any form of error checking.

    Want to embed a video in markdown? Gotta put HTML in your content, the exact kind of thing you were trying to avoid by using Markdown in the first place.

    That's a very shitty in-between situation that I personally wanted to get away from. I'm sure for people who don't stress too much about these points (maybe even just because they do less of this kind of work than I do), it's more valuable to leverage formats that they already know, but for me it's a death by a thousand cuts.

  • [removed] a day ago
sionisrecur 12 hours ago

Reusing the markdown link syntax is interesting. I wonder if it can be extended to allow for extra attributes, for example srcset. The parenthesis make it look like a function so maybe adding more arguments, something like:

    []($image.buildAsset('icon32.png'), {$image.buildAsset('icon64.png'), '2x'})
tristan957 a day ago

The most interesting part of this project to me is that the templating is valid html. What bothers me about Hugo is that there is no language server that works well with it, at least that I know of. This might be interesting to experiment with.

smusamashah 12 hours ago

This looks so nice. My site is currently Hugo but I can not stand its syntax. Its painful. I am not a Rust or Go or whatever templating language its using guy. I have been thinking of updating my site, but I feel stuck.

Zine looks super simple to understand and follow on the other hand.