Comment by aguaviva

Comment by aguaviva 2 days ago

1 reply

However, you are WILDLY inaccurate suggesting that the Minsk agreements would have ”granted to Putin permanent sovereignty over” Donbas.

You are WILDLY misquoting me already in the very first sentence of your riposte. I never said that that's what the Minks Protocols said. I can understand how it might sort of seem like I said that -- that is, if you're hastily skimming, but not actually reading. Just read my words again, carefully this time please.

He was not “sitting over it”.

"Sitting on it" I said. Either way, it's just another way of saying "occupying" it, which of course he was and still is.

As to the other stuff you're saying -- look, you're going off on way too many tangents here (many not even about Ukraine), and presenting way too many twisted mischaracterizations of the historical record along the way (including even more WILDLY inflated body counts, this time in Afghanistan). Like any other contorted, vituperative, ideology-driven libertarian rant.

Not something I have time for, or see any purpose in. You're free to make of the world what you want, though.

EGreg a day ago

Sadly, the body counts were NOT WILDLY inflated.

2 million civilians died in Afghanistan because we armed jihadists in a proxy war against the USSR, creating a “vietnam” for them

The CIA playbook was the same:

And they admit it themselves, though hardly care about the civilian casualties:

I wish I was exaggerating. I dont think you read most of my comment or clicked the links, but just replied after reading the first 1-2 paragraphs.