Comment by tptacek

Comment by tptacek 2 days ago

4 replies

It's not a victory lap; this operation by itself is one of the largest and most intricate operations Israeli intelligence has ever executed, and would have been planned months in advance. Repeating from elsewhere on the thread: the reporting is that this is happening now because Hezbollah was on the verge of discovering the operation. I think it's likely both sets of devices came from the same manufacturer or distributor.

mmastrac 2 days ago

I agree -- "victory lap" is just a figure of speech. Yesterday's results were probably far outsized impact on their own, and today's are (apologies for another figure of speech) "icing on the cake".

I would imagine that they've been feeding these booby-trapped devices to the supply chain for at least a few months and showing that multiple devices are potentially bombs is just an even more powerful psychological victory. What devices can they even trust now? Will they need to go back to sneakernet?

bri3k 2 days ago

Agree. If one device was booby-trapped the first thing I would be doing is disassembling all my others devices for the same.

  • exe34 2 days ago

    disassemble? that would be too brave for me. I'd be burying them very quickly.