tptacek 2 days ago

Allegedly hidden well enough that a casual X-ray of the pager wouldn't have revealed it.

  • geysersam 2 days ago

    Interesting that it wasn't discovered by any bomb sniffing dog in Lebanon. They had thousands of devices. There must be at least a few bomb dogs in Lebanon right?

    • mmh0000 2 days ago

      Simply because "bomb" dogs, like "drug" dogs are a scam to give the police a legal excuse to violate your rights. The dogs don't detect bombs/drugs, they detect cues from the controlling officer.

        The law was reviewed in 2006 by the New South Wales Ombudsman, who handed down a critical report regarding the use of dogs for drug detection. The report stated that prohibited drugs were found in only 26% of searches following an indication by a drug sniffer dog. Of these, 84% were for small amounts of cannabis deemed for personal use.[27]: 29  Subsequent figures obtained from NSW Police in 2023 revealed that between 1 January 2013 and 30 June 2023, officers had conducted 94,535 personal searches (refers to both strip searches and less invasive frisk or "general" searches) resulting from drug detection dog indications, with only 25% resulting in illicit drugs being found.[28]
    • Zironic 2 days ago

      Bomb sniffing dogs can't detect every explosive compound under the sun. They're trained on some of the most common ones but there are almost infinite variations of explosive chemistries.

    • clueless 2 days ago

      "According to Sky News Arabia; Mossad was able to Inject a Compound of Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate (PETN) into the Batteries of the New Encrypted Pagers that Hezbollah began using around February, before they even arrived in the Hands of Hezbollah Members, allowing them to Remotely Overheat and Detonate the Lithium Battery within the Device."

      • Araxeus a day ago

        This report came out 4 hours after the first attack.

        I'm very skeptical of a report about a specific compound and method 4 hours after an attack - Its not enough time for analysis

      • Aerroon 2 days ago

        If that's true, then does that make electric vehicles into potential car bombs if "the right thing" is injected into the battery?

      • mrguyorama 2 days ago

        I am extremely skeptical.

        High explosives rarely require only heat to detonate, and most can be quite literally set on fire by an open flame and burn without detonating. PETN is not terribly sensitive, and should require a detonator of some sort. What's more, that doesn't jive with the other claim that they added a daughterboard to the device.

  • Tiktaalik 2 days ago

    how the hell is anyone going to be able to fly anymore?

    • s1artibartfast a day ago

      the idea TSA security has always been a farce, detecting only the crudest methods of attack.

  • colechristensen 2 days ago

    It might have looked like a normal pager under xray, but I bet it looked _different_ than an unmodified pager. Not suspicious on its own but suspicious because it was changed.