anigbrowl 2 days ago

No, not really. In contact with, certainly. Hezbollah holds ~12% of seats in the Lebanese parliament and its military wing is arguably as powerful as the Lebanese army. It would be surprising, arguably irresponsible, if cabinet ministers did not have a channel to communicate with them. Every government has back channels, even to straight up enemies. For example:

TMWNN 2 days ago

>The NYT wrote today that Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon was injured (although this may have been in yesterday’s incident?), which makes it obvious that he works with Hezbollah.

A joke I saw:

"Why did the Iranian ambassador have a Hezbollah pager?"

"Because he left the Hamas pager at home."

yoavm 2 days ago

That indeed happened in yesterday's attack. Not to take away from linking him to Hezbollah, however.

rasz 2 days ago

A lot of "freedom" activists yesterday outed themselves sharing news of their relatives/close friends being injured in an unexplained pager accident.