Comment by kotaKat

Comment by kotaKat 2 days ago

4 replies

At this point someone needs to run an SDR and start capturing as much RF spectrum as possible, especially on any communications device that has a 'selective calling' feature.

The pagers could have been set off with a page sent to a 'group' capcode in a hidden slot with a unique beep pattern that a little tiny MCU picked up and set off the detonator.

Radios -- same thing. Possibly a group calling feature of a signalling system was used with a "secret" group hidden away in the radio programming?

Scoundreller 2 days ago

> especially on any communications device that has a 'selective calling' feature.

I wonder if it’s even dumber than that. Entirely separate from the paging network and tuned to listen for a pulse at a specific RF frequency and then blow up.

Also gives the ability to target certain geographic areas.

But even if listening to pager spectrum, the paging network is incredibly insecure. Anyone could send out fake pages with the right RF setup (e.g. from a drone).

itissid 2 days ago

#TIL: “Cap Code” stands for Channel Access Protocol code, which is the unique ID code assigned to a particular pager.

__m a day ago

To what end? Capturing it would mean you are already too late

tamimio 2 days ago

Unless they were previously timed with in internal clock (unlikely), that should be one of the things they should do.